
How to Quit Being a Perfectionist

quit being perfectionist

Do you need to nail every task with precision and tick items off your to-do list before you relax? Then you’re a perfectionist. Although positive results can come from not stopping tasks until you’ve done an amazing job, there’s a definite downside to perfectionism. Your high expectations for yourself can lead to exhaustion, disappointment, and stress. Here are a few simple ways to quit being a perfectionist and drop unnecessary tension.

Change your to-do list

You probably prioritize, placing must-do tasks at the top of your to-do list. Always needing to complete major jobs before you think you deserve happiness, though, is depressing. Continue to make lists, by all means, but why not make them less challenging?

Break large jobs into small, doable steps that won’t overwhelm you. Also, be realistic. Can you accomplish jobs on your list in the given timeframe? You might benefit from spreading large tasks across several days instead of pushing yourself to complete them quickly.

Recognize perfection doesn’t exist

Perfection is an ideal rather than a solid concept. Mother Nature doesn’t line her flowers up in neat rows. Society has been bamboozled into thinking everything from vegetables to their personal lives should be neat and tidy, but reality is raw, creative, and somewhat messy. You’ll judge yourself less harshly when you recognize perfectionism isn’t realistic.

Be kind to yourself

You give yourself a hard time when you strive for perfection. You don’t always acknowledge your achievements. Give yourself a pat on the back instead now and then, even when your goal is far away. Note times when you make headway and celebrate achievements. Also, know you need a break occasionally if you are to be your best self.

If trying too hard and doing too much is making you unhappy, quit being a perfectionist. Be a realist who takes pleasure in loose ends instead of wanting to tie them up and make everything faultless. You’ll be happier, more relaxed, and surprisingly productive as a result.

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Written by College Health TV


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