
Does Social Media Stress You Out?

social media stressing you out

Do you have a suspicion your online visits to content sharing sites make you anxious? Social media allows you to communicate with people far away in an instant, but it also has a downside. Many people report increased stress after using sites like Facebook. Indeed, networking platforms can be the source of mental strain.

Less satisfaction in life

Before you spotted carefully crafted photographs of beautiful people living seemingly perfect lives, you were reasonably content. Now, though, the latest marvelous news about other’s successes and proclamations of growing wealth might leave you dissatisfied with your life.

Apparently, everyone is doing better than you, and social media proves it. As a result of viewing a constant barrage of reminders you aren’t yet living the life of Riley, you may begin to lose heart about your efforts to prosper and be happy. Your discontent may depress you, and make you imagine you’re not good enough.

Decreased focus and mental energy

Checking social media sites like Twitter and Snapchat can become habit forming. The more you browse, the more images and messages your brain has to accommodate, but you can’t seem to stop. Sifting through media in an attempt to discover relevant data is tiresome for the brain and causes confusion. Consequently, trying to focus, and drumming up the mental energy to carry out tasks by the time afternoon arrives is tough.

Reduced health

If you’re addicted to social media, your mental and physical health are at stake. Repetitive viewing of sites causes emotional strain and makes you anxious. Unsurprisingly, observing pessimistic headlines and negative opinions doesn’t improve your mood. As stress accumulates, your immunity is liable to plummet, making you prone to catching colds and coughs.

Could you use social media platforms more wisely?

Social media can be helpful. It keeps you in contact with friends and assists with business networking, so you probably won’t want to cut it out completely. However, reducing visits to sites and how long you stay might be wise.

Consider examining how you use social media. Do you check sites for updates on and off throughout the day? If so, plan when to click on media sites instead of using them impulsively. You might also think about how visiting specific social platforms influences your mood. If Instagram makes you feel inadequate, and guilt washes over you after responding to Pinterest’s message to shop, how about boycotting them in favor of social sites you enjoy? Nothing’s inherently wrong with online media sites, but how you use them does affect your well-being. Consider what you want to gain from visiting them and what you get; do they match? If not, remember, you can control how you utilize social media. Ensure you benefit from what it offers rather than letting it stress you out.

What do you think?

Written by College Health TV

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