
3 Reasons to Eat More Blueberries

Blueberries have a long history of use by humans: the First Nations peoples of North America picked wild blueberries that have grown there for centuries and had a variety of uses for them, including as a food source and medicine; they also introduced them to English settlers. Blueberries have been cultivated since the beginning of the 20th century, and are now enjoyed as a food year-round both for their delightful taste and their health properties. Here are a few reasons you should add more blueberries to your diet.   

Blueberries contain fiber

Blueberries contain dietary fiber, which plays a couple of important roles in the human body. Regular intake of fiber contributes to improved bowel function as it adds bulk to stools and makes them smoother – this helps to regulate your bowel movements and makes your stools easier to pass.  Another function of fiber is that it helps to satiate hunger – it does this by making you feel fuller for longer, so you’ll feel less need to snack between meals.

Blueberries are a source of vitamin C

One serving of blueberries can contain as much as 25% of the recommended daily vitamin C intake – this is great, as vitamin C is required for the healing of wounds, maintaining a healthy immune system and aiding proper neurological functioning. Vitamin C also promotes the synthesis of collagen, which is the most abundant essential protein in the human body. Collagen is responsible for the formation of skin, and for its elasticity and strength; it is also essential for the formation of bones and cartilage, tendons and ligaments, teeth and gums, and blood vessels.

Blueberries are a low-calorie topping or snack

Blueberries are a delicious addition to a bowl of yogurt, cereal or oatmeal, as well as a healthy standalone snack. 1 cup of blueberries is equal to approximately 84 calories and contains 114 mg of potassium, 21 g of carbohydrates, and 3.6 g of fiber, making them a great addition to breakfasts or lunchboxes. Blueberries are also a delicious and healthy ingredient in smoothies for those who are short on time or need a post-workout boost of energy.  Blueberries contain vitamins and minerals your body needs to function properly, aid bowel function, and can contribute to maintaining a healthy weight or be helpful in shedding some unwanted pounds. In conclusion, blueberries are a healthy addition to your breakfasts, desserts, drinks and snacks. 

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Written by College Health TV

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