
How to Prevent Gas

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When gas forms in the intestine, the results can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Also referred to as flatulence, gas is something most people want to avoid. If you are one of these people, you can help prevent gas by sipping what you drink instead of gulping it down, making the portions you eat smaller, chewing your food longer, including live cultures found in yogurt in your diet, and adding ginger or rosemary to gassy foods. You can also prevent gas by eliminating gas-forming foods from your diet. 

Included in the list of foods to avoid if you want to prevent gas is asparagus. Additional foods are beans, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, legumes, and onions. Note that you can make beans less gassy by soaking them before you cook them. You should rinse your beans first, then immerse them in boiling water and let them soak for no less than four hours. After soaking your beans, cook them until they are soft. 

Keep in mind that as you age, flatulence may become more of a problem. It comes with aging. Following a high-fiber diet also contributes to more gas. Avoiding the foods listed above can help make gas less of a problem.  

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