
5 Motivating Reasons to Exercise in the Morning

morning exercise

Let’s face it. Getting up early in the morning to exercise can be tough. However, tough does not equate impossible. Here are five motivating strategies to get yourself up and and moving, even when it’s early. 

1. Time for yourself 

No disruptions. No kids (if early enough). No multitasking. Getting up early enough in the morning to exercise allows you to enjoy time to yourself in peace. There’s nothing more de-motivating than having your workout routine interrupted by kids crawling on you. 

2. Release feel good endorphins to start the day

Getting your heart rate going and heart pumping helps blood circulate throughout your system. Additionally, “feel good” endorphins are released when exercising. Starting your day off with a good workout helps clear cobwebs from your brain and allows you to start the day off with a cognitively refreshed slate.

3. Release morning joint stiffness

As we age joints typically wear down. This can cause uncomfortable morning stiffness often associated with osteoarthritis. A main feature of managing osteoarthritis is through regular exercise. Exercise helps move synovial fluid around and lubricate the joints. Rather than feeling stiff and achy for half of the day, get moving early on to loosen up the joints and improve pain. 

4. Watch a favorite show while exercising

Maybe you really do not enjoy exercising. Use distraction as a strategy. Watching a favorite show on Netflix or viewing late night shows on YouTube that you typically cannot stay awake for at night can make exercising fun. The best part is that you get to choose what you want to watch while the rest of the household is sound asleep. 

5. Get exercise over and done with for the day

Life is busy. Between work, kids, partners, making meals, and managing a home many people will insist that there is simply no time in their day for exercise. The trick? Get exercise over and done with first thing in the morning. This way the thought of trying to schedule exercise in later in the day or in the evening won’t be haunting you all day.

Working out does not need to take an hour. While some people may choose a longer workout, fitting in even a 15-minute workout video is a great start. Check out YouTube for workouts from fitness channels for fun, challenging, and motivating routines.

The benefits of regular exercise are plentiful. Improvements to mental health and physical health can go a long way. Get your day started off on the right foot with completing your exercise routine before the real day begins. 

What do you think?

Written by College Health TV

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